- California's Online LIHEAP Application
Important Program Notice
Operations and program funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) have been impacted by the current administration's executive orders. We encourage you to apply for LIHEAP, but we cannot guarantee a payment assistance benefit, even if you are approved.
If you have additional questions about the status of LIHEAP funding, please contact the California Department of Community Services & Development at 1-866-675-6623. You may also send them a letter to 2389 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95833.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Operations and program funding for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) have been impacted by the current administration's executive orders. We encourage you to apply for LIHEAP, but we cannot guarantee a payment assistance benefit, even if you are approved.
If you have additional questions about the status of LIHEAP funding, please contact the California Department of Community Services & Development at 1-866-675-6623. You may also send them a letter to 2389 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 100, Sacramento, CA 95833.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Need help paying your energy bill?
Low-income Californians can apply for heating and cooling assistance under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP.
What is LIHEAP?
LIHEAP stands for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program; this program helps low-income people pay the cost of heating and cooling their homes.
LIHEAP is a federally funded program, and now more than ever, many hard-working Californians can qualify.
LIHEAP can offer a one-time payment to help you:
- Pay your heating or cooling bills, even if you use wood, propane, or oil.
- In an emergency or energy crisis, such as a utility disconnection.
In addition to help with paying your energy bill, LIHEAP can also provide in-home weatherization services for:
- Improved energy efficiency, and Health and Safety
Please watch the video below for applications instructions and valuable information
Who is eligible for LIHEAP Utility Assistance?
- Eligibility for LIHEAP services can vary depending on income, household size, place of residence, and other factors.
- You may be eligible for LIHEAP but your local service provider does not use our service. You can check whether there is a service provider for your area using our service by using our search tool
Ready to Apply?
Please review our privacy policy
Make sure you have the following ready in a PDF file. If you don't have access to the documents in pdf format and don't have a scanner,
you can download a free scanning app for a tablet or smartphone from the Google Play Store or the App Store depending on your device operating system.
- All pages of your most recent utility bill(s). If you have more than one energy provider, you must provide the most recent bill for each provider.
- Any Shut-off Notices you may have received
- Income documents for the last 30 days for all adults in the household
- Picture ID of person applying
If you do not submit the required documents in a PDF file - your application will NOT be processed. You will have to begin the application process all over again.
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